Some Kids Dad Hadn't Skated in 20+ Years
Jeremy ordered some SkaterTrainers for the kids (so he says!). Tired of riding a desk for the last 20 years, he is ready to thrash again. Like some of us, he probably watched the Bones Brigade movie and said why the hell am I on the couch when I could skate some more before I die. But, nearly everything else, its just not as easy as it used to be.
Jeremy has made great progress in just a few days and already work up to his rolling ollie. Now he is riding with the kids and practicing daily. I have not heard if the kids have used the SkaterTrainers yet :-)
If he can do, you can do it. Stop playing Tony Hawk, watching ESPN, and Learn to Skate for real. Get off yo couch with SkaterTrainers!!!
Here are the Videos Jeremy Posted
The Initial Impressions and Review of SkaterTrainers!
After a Few Days on SkaterTrainers
And Finally...Rolling Ollies
NICE WORK JEREMY. Thanks for the Story